Tuesday, 3 November 2009

"Texas Chainsaw Massacre" Trailer

This trailer follows most of the conventions of trailers. It has a soft music which changes to deep drumming which would connote something terrifying, but then there are off-key violins to connote something unusual and then there is very loud, dramatic orchestral music. Clearly this convention shows the audience the genre of the film, especially with the drumming and off-key violins. The trailer is comepletely made up of clips from the movie and no V/O, however it shows two of the production values of the film; the director (Michael Bay) and the fact that it is based on a true story directly targets the audience to being followers of that director or those that have seen any of the other remakes of the film. I found this trailer very stereotypical, a very peaceful start, a family on a road trip with a happy couple, peaceful music and then they come across a stranded woman who is mourning over someone who has been killed. The family then goes to investigate and eventually get themselves caught up in whatever the stranded woman was caught up in. But one particular idea I loved about the trailer was how it has jump shots of some eery and disturbing images, like the ragged doll, the rusted crucifix etc. There are a lot of shots done in a sepia effect, possibly to connote evening or something else. Duly noted, the trailer shows off one of the horror movie conventios of setting, there are several shots of a large house, in horror movies, large house have lots of space for evil to hide but also like in some classic horrors, secret passages like what opens up behind the couple half way through the trailer.
An idea which I feel I could encorporate into my trailer would be the use of jump shots nearer the end for a fast-paced effect.

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