Friday 26 February 2010

How do your media products utilize new technologies?

Finalcut pro was the key program used for the making of my horror trailer. With this program, I was able to adjust the light settings and put filters into each shot to make it appear much more like a horror trailer. In the image shown, there is an example of the layers that are possible to put into the trailer allowing for useful effects like dissolving. I feel that this is the main piece of new technology that I have learnt the most from. Being able to put a filter over a shot or fade from one shot to the next are merely examples of the things I have learnt from simply operating this program.
Garageband is another program, very similar to Finalcut Pro which allowed me to create a soundtrack to attach to my trailor. It was easy to use and proved extremely useful during the editing process when it came to giving the trailor an atmosphere. Although my soundtrack sounded very dream-like, I still feel that the effects it created were truly amazing.
Adobe Photoshop CS4 is the core program for the creation of my ancilliary products. In comparison to having used this program with my previous coursework assignment, I feel that my skills with it have improved. Whereas before I was learning how to use the tools of Photoshop, with the ancilliary product it was the chance to use what I had learnt from the previous assignment and improve my creativity and knowledge of the tools. This proved particularly successful, in my opinion. In the image I have provided, it shows my film poster that I developed using lighting effects and the layering of different images and contrast effects. I definitely feel that I have improved my skills with Photoshop.
Youtube is an example of how new technologies can be used in distribution campaigns, a few films have been advertised virally over the internet via youtube due to its immense popularity and use. By putting my horror trailer on the site, I have shown how new technology can be used in this way.
Other technologies I have used is blogger, this is the core site for presenting and working upon this assignment. It has proven already to be much more convenient to use than simply writing an essay, I have been able to input various images with ease and organise my work. A feature I found particularly useful and appealing was the means of labelling posts. This proved useful in the organisation of this assignment and so I feel that this is an ideal example of how i have used new technologies.

1 comment:

  1. This is much too thin. You need detailed accounts of how you used them, what you learnt, what use Web 2.0 apps were compared to just writing an essay, etc etc. There is a lot of work to be done on this question. I suggest you begin by getting a screenshot of your FCP project, including tools and timeline, and explore what is going on in the project (tracks, fades, dissolves, filters etc etc).
