Friday 13 November 2009

Horror Trailer Mood Board

These are the sort of things I would like to include in my horror movie trailer. I added an image of the grim reaper because I quite like my "Reaperman" plot and so thought it would be a cool idea. I find that creepy, eerie shadows either on the floor or through a window are a little unnerving and mysterious, it would make a great horror element. Again, I put images of students and a school on the board because it goes along with the "Reaperman" idea. Bloody writing, I feel, is a key icon to a horror and also being trapped inside, hence the padloc image. Long corridors would be a nice idea, especially with efelctive surfaces because at some point in Resident Evil, there are everal shots of a refelctive corridor and you can vaguely see moving shapes in the reflections. I feel that it could be a very creepy and horrific thing to see.

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