Tuesday 15 September 2009

The Descent Trailer

This is the trailer of my all-time favourite horror movie. The Descent is probably one of the only films that made me jump and satisfied my love of gore and slaughter. I like this trailer because it has all the blood and slaughter that I crave to see (cinematically, of course)In my opinion, my favourite part of this trailer is the part after the boulder nearly crushes one of the women. It had me guessing the genre because initially I would have thought that it was a chick flick, but it then made me guess what genre it was. Right up until the part they start calling for help. My favourite part of the trailer was whilst they were calling for help and the camera gets a shot of each of the women and then it gets to the third one on the left and there is a glimpse of some horrific humanoid shape before the camera blacks out to another clip. It is only that bit which says horror first. The rest of it is my idea of a fun night out. In my opinion, the things that make a good horror trailer is silence creating tension, supernatural/unnatural happenings, a small glimpse at the key plot and plenty of gore. So watch the trailer and see what you think. The trailer shows one of the conventions of a horror movie by setting in a large cave in pitch darkness, giving a sense of disorientation and mysteriousness. So genre is fairly evident. There are some on-screen messages giving some examples of fears like Chloestraphobia and hallucination, which relates heavily to the film itself, in between actual clips of the film which contains dialogue of the protagonists. The music is constantly growing louder and fainter to give a sense of tension but then escalates to climax at the end. So the trailer is directly targeted to horror followers without mistake and follows the basic conventions of a movie trailer. By the way...have fun.

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